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MZ-Tools 8.0 Changelog

MZ-Tools released (October 8, 2024)
  • Fixed [#18507] (VS): The TabIndex Assistant caused error "Failed to compare two elements in the array" with the SplitContainerControl control of DevExpress in .NET projects.
  • Fixed [#18506] (VS): Several text-related features using regular expressions of Visual Studio 2022 caused NotImplementedException.
  • Fixed [#18499] (VB/VBA): The COMShim checkbox of the setup was not visible when PDFMaker of Adobe Acrobat PRO was installed.
  • Fixed [#18512] (VBA): Error "Illegal characters in path." in orgAnice CRM was not handled gracefully.
  • Fixed [#18514] (VBA): COM errors exporting files in VBA were not handled gracefully.
  • Fixed [#16468, #16513, #17608, #17616, #17624, #17702, #18009, #18058, #18183, #18206, #18300] (All): Fix to eradicate sporadic error 0x800A01A8 calling to CommandBarButton.State.
  • Fixed [Internal] (All): The Search textbox of Favorite Solutions / Favorite Code Elements was too narrow.

MZ-Tools released (September 12, 2024)
  • Fixed [#18503] (VB/VBA): The Line Indenting feature caused "System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'MZTools.HostExtensibility.Implementations.CodeElementProperty' to type 'MZTools.HostExtensibility.Abstractions.ICodeElementMethod'" when applied to a property.

MZ-Tools released (September 8, 2024)
  • Added [Internal] (VBA): Added "Properties" menu entry to the context menu of project/files in the Project Explorer.
  • Added [Internal] (VB/VBA): Added "Rename" menu entry to the context menu of project/files in the Project Explorer.
  • Enhanced [#15698] (VBA): The headers review now ignores empty files of Excel workbooks.
  • Enhanced [#17995] (All): The result lines in the Results toolwindow now keep their initial indentation.
  • Enhanced [Internal] (VBA): The Export Files feature can now be automated.
  • Enhanced [Internal] (VBA): The ExecuteCommand method used when automating features now returns a result code (0 for success).
  • Enhanced [Internal] (VBA): Provided sample in PowerShell to automate feature in the help documentation.
  • Enhanced [Internal] (All): When performing a search using a regular expression that ends with \n, the result line no longer shows the next line.
  • Changed [#16515, #16707, #17572] (VB/VBA): Moved to the left the search textbox of the Code Explorer.
  • Changed [#18175] (All): Removed the name of the IDE from the caption of toolwindows and Options window.
  • Changed [#18307] (All): When the Control Explorer was shown, the property grid (and not the treeview) received the focus.
  • Fixed [#18171] (VBA): The Import Files feature of VBA didn't handle correctly the encoding.
  • Fixed [#18200] (VS 2022): The Find Text feature (and others) didn't search in a code file if its designer window was open.
  • Fixed [#18143, #17915, #18225, #18165, #18006, #18299] (VS): The TabIndex Assistant caused error "Failed to compare two elements in the array" with the SplitContainerControl control of DevExpress in .NET Framework projects.
  • Fixed [#18269] (VB/VBA): Error 0x800A88C4 "Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost" is not handled gracefully.
  • Fixed [#18264] (VB6): The Check for Updates feature failed to update to a new version with error 'Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 or lower Windows versions are not supported' if running on Windows 10/11 in compatibility mode with Windows XP.
  • Fixed [#17848, #18249] (All): The code template editor did not honor tab stops.
  • Fixed [#16468, #16513, #17608, #17616, #17624, #17702, #18009, #18058, #18183, #18206, #18300] (All): Fix to palliate sporadic error 0x800A01A8 calling to CommandBarButton.State.
  • Fixed [#18306] (All): The Control Explorer did not support the Left/Right keys to expand/collapse nodes.
  • Fixed [#18306] (All): The Control Explorer did not support the Home/End keys.
  • Fixed [#18306] (All): The Control Explorer did not support the PageUp/PagDown keys.
  • Fixed [#18306] (All): The Control Explorer did not support searching by keys A-Z.
  • Fixed [#18379] (All): The Find Text dialog did not support the F4 or Alt Down key to expand the dropdown list.
  • Fixed [#18379] (All): The Find Text dialog did not support the Alt Up key to collapse the dropdown list.
  • Fixed [#18400] (All): The Find Text dialog hid the scope section when it shrank.
  • Fixed [#18306] (All): The Control Explorer did not support the Shift + Up/Down keys to extend the selection of controls.
  • Fixed [#15078] (VBA): The context menu of a userform didn't show the "Paste Controls With Code" and "Apply Default Properties" entries.
  • Fixed [#15078] (VBA): The context menu of a control group didn't show the "Copy Controls With Code", "Paste Controls With Code" and "Apply Default Properties" entries.
  • Fixed [#18329] (VB/VBA): The Line Indentation feature didn't use the correct padding for existing line numbers added by another tool.
  • Fixed [#17993, #14360, #18381, #18415] (VBA): The Clean Project / Export Files features didn't handle gracefully COM Exceptions with error codes 0x800AC35C, 0x800AC372, 0x800AC373 and 0x800A01B8.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VS 2022): The background of the code templates was shown white when using the Dark theme.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VBA): The Generate XML/HTML Documentation features did not release the Office application process when using automation.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VBA): The Statistics feature did not release the Office application process when using automation.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VB/VBA): The icons of buttons of toolbars flickered after closing the Options window.
  • Fixed [Internal] (All): The Matching (RegEx) operator of the Programming Rules Review didn't support multiline.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VS): The Favorite Solutions toolwindow didn't show the correct icon version for solutions of Visual Studio 2022

MZ-Tools released (July 3, 2023)
  • Enhanced [#18085] (VS 2022): Added support for Visual Studio on ARM64 architecture.
  • Enhanced [#18144] (VB/VBA): Added new "Project Item Designer Root Component Name" predefined variable ($P[PROJECT_ITEM_DESIGNER_ROOT_COMPONENT_NAME]).
  • Fixed [#18094] (All): The splitter distance of the Code Library was not preserved between sessions despite the setting being persisted. This bug was introduced in build
  • Fixed [#18087] (VB/VBA): Microsoft VBScript automation causes "runtime error: Object required" because AddIn.Object is null. This bug was introduced in build
  • Fixed [#18137] (VB/VBA): Closing the IDE could cause System.ObjectDisposedException: "Cannot access a disposed object" (this issue was not completely fixed in build
  • Fixed [#18079] (All): The Enter key of the Find Text dialog triggered the search instead of confirming input of Asian characters.
  • Fixed [Internal] (All): The width of the columns of the list of 'when conditions' was not adjusted automatically to content when adding new conditions.

MZ-Tools released (May 10, 2023)
  • Fixed [#18080, #18077, #18076, #18083, #18084, #18086] (All): Selecting a result of changed code caused "System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.". This bug was introduced in build
  • Fixed [#18082] (VS 2010/2012/2013): Showing toolwindows in VS 2010/2012/2013 caused "System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MZTools.Adapters.Internal.ToolWindowControl'". This bug was introduced in build

MZ-Tools released (May 7, 2023)
  • Enhanced(All): Added localization for Portuguese-Brasil. Special thanks to Ricardo Lopes.
  • Changed [#18036] (VBA): The AutoSave feature no longer changes the Application.EnableEvents property of Microsoft Excel.
  • Fixed [#17904] (All): The results tab could cause NullReferenceException.
  • Fixed [#16828, #17902] (All): Expanding a keyword for a code template could cause System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
  • Fixed [#17982] (All): The Method Callers feature could cause System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException when used with Private methods of a file whose name started with "I" like an interface.
  • Fixed [#17988] (All): In the Options window the date format "mmm" is replaced by "MMm" instead of by "MMM".
  • Fixed [#17997] (All): The splitter distance of Code Library was not persisted.
  • Fixed [Several] (VBA): System.InvalidCastException "Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPointContainer' (RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD).
  • Fixed [Several] (VB/VBA): The Code Templates feature could cause "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: startIndex cannot be larger than length of string".
  • Fixed [#18002, #13497] (VB/VBA): Closing the IDE could cause System.ObjectDisposedException: "Cannot access a disposed object".
  • Fixed [Several] (VBA): When MZ-Tools is marked to load on startup and toolwindows were shown at startup because they were open in the last session, they could be made undockable.
  • Fixed [#18070] (VB6): The Selected Files dialog sorted files by name and not by filename.

MZ-Tools released (December 11, 2022)
  • Enhanced [#17783] (VB/VBA): Compilation errors such as duplicated declarations are handled now more gracefully.
  • Enhanced [Internal] (All): Added support for the App/Menu key to show a context menu in listviews and treeviews.
  • Fixed [#14837, #16167, #16478, #17670, #17693, #17803, #17817] (VS): Added partial support for .NET Windows Forms in some features (Control Names Assistant, TabIndex Assistant, Prompt Name and Text for New Control, Smart Design Mode, etc.). This is still an ongoing work.
  • Fixed [#17789] (VB/VBA): The Close Windows menu entries on the Windows menu used duplicated access keys.
  • Fixed [#17470, #17551, #17770, #17865] (VB/VBA): The Clear Immediate Window feature didn't work when invoked through a keyboard shortcut with the pattern Ctrl+Shift+<key>.
  • Fixed [#14636, #17551, #17770] (VB/VBA): The Clear Immediate Window feature didn't work when invoked through a keyboard shortcut with the pattern Ctrl+Alt+<key> (it showed the Lock/Switch User/Sign Out screen of Windows instead).
  • Fixed [#17805] (VBA): The Generate XML/HTML Documentation features caused a crash with the ProgressBar control.
  • Fixed [#17839] (VB/VBA): Removed the '&' character of feature captions and submenus on toolbars.
  • Fixed [#17868] (VB/VBA): The combobox Assigned To of the Task List doesn't allow to enter names. This bug was introduced in build released on March 5, 2022.
  • Fixed [#17870] (VBA): The Open Files scope didn't include the maximized code window in Access if the project file name includes a "." character.
  • Fixed [#17868] (VBA): Operations didn't cancel when pressing the Esc key in some Office apps such as Excel (but works in others such as Access).
  • Fixed [#17866] (VB/VBA): Missing access keys in some menu entries of context menu of results window.
  • Fixed [#17868] (All): The exception/error handler selection and header selection windows didn't autoadjust the width of the columns. This bug was introduced in build released on October 23, 2022.
  • Fixed [#17887] (VBA): The Clean feature showed the following confusing error when the project was not saved: "The file '.MZToolsCleanBackup' could not be copied to '\' due to the following reason: Empty file name is not legal."
  • Fixed [Internal] (VB/VBA): The Version column was not filled by the setup in Control Panel, Program and features.
  • Fixed [Internal] (All): The toolwindows didn't remove the '&' character of their captions.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VB/VBA): The keyboard shortcut editor didn't remove the '&' character of feature captions.
  • Fixed [Internal] (All): The Statistics feature caused NullReferenceException clicking the "X" close button while executing.
  • Fixed [Internal] (All): Fixed bugs in localizations. Special thanks to Ricardo Lopes for his efforts in this area.

MZ-Tools released (October 23, 2022)
  • Enhanced [#17572] (All): Listview columns are no longer resized when sorting them.
  • Enhanced [#12965, #17669] (All): Menu entries lacked access keys.
  • Enhanced [Internal] (VB/VBA): The setup blocks now the installation if the Windows OS version is not supported (Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 or lower).
  • Enhanced [Internal] (VB/VBA): The setup blocks now the installation if .NET Framework 4.5.2 is not installed.
  • Fixed [#17226, #17661] (VS): Features that needed images from the Solution Explorer could cause InvalidCastException "Unable to cast object of type 'System.IntPtr' to type 'System.IConvertible'."
  • Fixed [#17689] (VB/VBA): The Esc key didn't close the Find Text toolwindow.
  • Fixed [#17742] (VS): The Switch assistant caused error 'Method received unsupported type' for byte-based enums such as System.Text.Json.JsonValueKind.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VBA): An ImageList control appeared duplicated in the Control Explorer.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VS): Files of shared projects were included in the referencing project.

MZ-Tools released (August 1, 2022)
  • Changed (VB/VBA): This new build requires .NET Framework 4.5.2 or higher. This implies that Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 are no longer supported by MZ-Tools. Using MZ-Tools with a lower version of the .NET Framework can cause TypeLoadException "Could not load type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute' from assembly 'mscorlib'".
  • Fixed [#17062] (All): The Control Names Assistant could handle incorrectly duplicated names.
  • Fixed [#17024] (VB/VBA): Some features could cause NullReferenceExcepcion.
  • Fixed [#17031] (VS): The Component Default Properties / Most Used Properties features didn't list some 3rd party components.
  • Fixed [#17022] (VB/VBA): Method headers below declaration are inserted incorrectly if the declaration has a comment with the character ":" inside it.
  • Fixed [#17081] (VBA): The Clean Project feature applied to the "Normal" project of Microsoft Word caused error "The file 'Normal.MZToolsCleanBackup' could not be copied".
  • Fixed [#17091] (VB/VBA): Invoking twice with a keyboard shortcut a feature that shows a modal window showed it twice rather than showing an error message.
  • Fixed [#15626] (VB6): The Collapse Projects feature didn't work in SDI mode with non-docking Project Explorer.
  • Fixed [#17507] (VS): Some variable declarations were incorrectly parsed in C#.
  • Fixed [#17559] (VS): The Add Line Numbers feature didn't add a line number to a line after a previous "End With" line.
  • Fixed [#17463] (VS): The Find Text feature didn't exclude graphic files such as .jpg, etc. This bug was introduced in build released (March 20, 2022).
  • Fixed [#17560] (VBA): The TabIndex Assistant didn't exclude the ImageList control in userforms.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VS): The list with assemblies of some features could contain duplicated items.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VS): The Favorite Solutions feature didn't recognize solutions saved with Visual Studio 2022.
  • Fixed [Internal] (All): The Sort Code Elements features threw an exception instead of showing a friendly message error if the code to be sorted doesn't compile correctly.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VBA): The automatic generation of HTML/XML documentation when building the executable has been removed.

MZ-Tools released (March 27, 2022)
  • Fixed [#17008] (All): The trial expired dialog didn't show the Enter License and Close buttons on high-dpi displays.
  • Fixed [#17004] (All): The Find Text feature could cause NullReferenceException.

MZ-Tools released (March 20, 2022)
  • Fixed [#16850, #16858] (VS): System.InvalidCastException was caused casting Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VsImageService.
  • Fixed [#16874, #16885, #16890] (VS): The Esc key didn't cancel operations if some document window was open.
  • Fixed [#16872] (VS): Operations were cancelled if they found a missing file on disk.
  • Fixed [Several] (VB/VBA): Removed exception "Unable to find button associated to command with name '(name)'" if built-in button is not found because of corrupted commandbar.
  • Fixed [Internal] (All): The selected projects/files window lacked context menus.
  • Fixed [Internal] (All): The References folder was not detected correctly for some database projects.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VS): The Statistics feature caused NullReferenceException if no project of the solution was supported for statistics.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VS): The Statistics feature did not include lines of code of files such as sql, html, json, etc.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VS): The Find Text feature didn't work with some project types such as Angular, React, etc.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VS): The Selected Files scope window took long time to show for large solutions.
  • Fixed [Internal] (VS): The dropdown button of the MRU combobox for files with regular expression scope in the Find Text dialog was not shown correctly at high DPI.

MZ-Tools released (March 5, 2022)
  • New (VS): Added support for Visual Studio 2022.
  • Changed (VS): Support for Visual Studio 2005/2008 has been removed.
  • Changed (VB5): Support for Visual Basic 5.0 has been removed.
  • Changed (VB/VBA): This new build requires .NET Framework 4.0 or higher.
  • Changed (VBA): Removed Office product version from toolwindows captions.
  • Enhanced [#16782] (VBA): The Clean Project feature no longer deletes the backup file created before the operation.
  • Enhanced [#16790] (VB): The External Utilities feature now caches bitmaps of external utilities to improve startup time when they reside in slow network folders.
  • Enhanced [Internal] (VS): The font of Visual Studio is now used in dialogs and toolwindows.
  • Enhanced [Internal] (All): Added support for Windows high contrast modes.
  • Enhanced [Internal] (All): Better support for high DPI displays.
  • Enhanced [Internal] (All): The Control Explorer now asks for confirmation before deleting controls.
  • Enhanced [#16521] (VBA): The Project Item File Name predefined variable ($P[PROJECT_ITEM_FILENAME]) now returns the sheet name (not the VBA project item name) for Excel files.
  • Fixed [#16509] (All): The Esc key didn't close toolwindows.
  • Fixed [#15583] (All): The Alt+F4 key combination didn't close toolwindows.
  • Fixed [#16514] (All): The cursor was moved to end of white space after inserting a code template with the 'Cursor Position After Insertion' predefined variable followed by whitespace.
  • Fixed [#16505] (VB/VBA): The line indenting feature didn't parse correctly some Next statements.
  • Fixed [#16293, #16701] (VB/VBA): The line indenting feature didn't parse correctly statements inside strings.
  • Fixed [#16813] (VB/VBA): The "Any" type was not recognized.
  • Fixed [Internal] (All): Some modal windows were centered at the screen rather than at the parent window.