Task List

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The Task List feature allows you to keep a list of tasks for each project. There are two kinds of tasks:

  • General tasks: these tasks are shown in a tab page and are entered manually. They are stored in the folder of the project in a .xml file. For each task you can enter its description, priority, assigned person, status and a multiline comment.
  • Code tasks: these tasks are shown in a separate tab page and are created automatically from comments starting with ' TODO: or 'TODO: that are found scanning the code of the files of the project.

MZ-Tools offers the following ways to show the Task List:

  • The MZ-Tools | Other Utilities | Task List menu.
  • The Task List button on the MZ-Tools - Other Utilities toolbar.
  • The keyboard shortcut associated with the Task List feature.

The Task List for general tasks is the following:


In this tab page you can create, edit or remove tasks. You can also filter the list or sort the tasks by any field.

To create or edit a task the window is the following, where you can enter the description, priority, status, assigned person and a comment:


The Task List for code tasks is the following:


In this tab page you can see the comments starting with ' TODO: or 'TODO: that are found in the source code of the files of the project. High priority code tasks must include "[+]" in the line of code, and low priority code tasks must include "[-]" instead. You can also refresh the list at any time or filter it.


  • The general tasks of each project are saved in a <ProjectName>.Tasks.xml file in the same folder than the project (the project must be saved to have a name before using the general tasks). This file should be added to source control along with the project. If the source control sets the file read-only when checking-in, you can't edit the general tasks without checking-out this file.

See Also:

Keyboard Shortcuts Options