Copy Selected Files to Folder

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The Copy Selected Files to Folder feature allows you to copy selected files from the Solution / Project Explorer to a folder.

MZ-Tools offers the following ways to copy selected files to a folder:

  • The MZ-Tools | Other Utilities | Copy Selected Files to Folder... menu.
  • The Copy Selected Files to Folder... menu entry on the context menus of the Solution / Project Explorer.
  • The Copy Selected Files to Folder button on the MZ-Tools - Other Utilities toolbar.
  • In Visual Studio 2015 and higher, the keyboard shortcut associated with the MZTools.CopySelectedFilesToFolder command.
  • In Visual Studio 2013 and lower, the keyboard shortcut associated with the MZTools8.CopySelectedFilesToFolder command.
  • In VB6 / VBA, the keyboard shortcut associated with the Copy Selected Files to Folder feature.

When you invoke this feature, you are asked which folder to use as destination.


  • In Visual Studio, this feature will automatically copy the dependencies of a file (such as .resx files) even if they have not been selected.

See Also:

Keyboard Shortcuts Options